Radiation Biology & Research Program

About The Program

The mission of the 
Radiation Biology & Research Program
is to broadly support radiation biology research and education in the MGH Department of Radiation Oncology as well as the Cancer Center. 
The Program serves as a platform for research collaborations, idea exchanges, and resource sharing, with the overarching goal of promoting team science across the main disciplines of radiation oncology – clinical, biology, and physics.
The Program is committed to advancing the biological basis for cancer treatment with radiation, which will lead to better outcomes for our patients. 



Henning Willers, MD
Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School
“In 1991, I started my medical thesis in radiation biology and quickly fell in love with the field. Having been blessed with inspiring teachers & mentors, from Michael Baumann, Simon Powell and Herman Suit to Kathy Held, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity afforded by this Program to promote radiation biology research and education. It is truly a pleasure to team up with so many talented investigators, educators, and staff here in the Mass General Cancer Center.”
Associate Director
Aimee L. McNamara, PhD
Instructor in Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School
“I am deeply passionate about uncovering the intricacies of how radiation affects biological systems at the cellular level through the development of mathematical and computational models. Throughout my career, I have gained extensive experience in a wide range of research techniques to drive mechanistic model development. I am constantly pushing the boundaries of my knowledge and skills in order to stay at the forefront of my field and eager to collaborate with colleagues to advance the collective understanding of radiation biology.”
Associate Director
William L. Hwang, MD PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology, Harvard Medical School
“I am fascinated by the immense phenotypic, temporal and spatial heterogeneity of tumor ecosystems and the many insights that can only be gleaned by studying these systems at the level of their individual components—single molecules or cells. I am particularly interested in understanding how radiotherapy and systemic therapies remodel the spatial microarchitecture of tumors and the underlying intercellular interactions that mediate therapeutic resistance, which we hope to translate into novel spatial- and molecular-targeted therapies. I am looking forward to help developing new paradigms for radiation biology.”

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